
Exercise For Back Pain - Relief

Exercise For Back Pain - Relief

What if you could spend 20 to 30 minutes each day and know that you are on your way to getting the back pain relief you have been looking for? Just imagine, wouldn't that be a truly great investment if it meant a long term release from the constant misery of your excruciating back pain?

exercise for back pain relief on mat That's what I did when I first tried out the Exercise For Back Pain Relief program to get rid of back pain.

Back Pain Relief Through Exercise

I quickly noticed an amazing difference after going through these very gentle exercises specially designed to bring back pain relief.

Hey - your pain is not going to disappear immediately - I'd be a fool to tell you otherwise!

Listen, we know how back pain takes a long time to develop and then to make your life unbearable, often caused because of bad posture and the way you added pressure, over the years, to your back from a number of different sources

What I will tell you is this - if you spend less than half an hour every day, with the exercise for back pain routine of gentle stretching, you'll find it easier to strengthen your back, slowly, safely and gently, and, more importantly, learn how back pain relief is in easy reach.

I did it - you can too!

exercise for back pain on floor How long it takes to get rid of back pain depends on how bad it is in the first place. It depends on how restricted your suppleness and how low your back strength is when you begin your exercise for back pain stretching routines.

The keyword is perseverance! It may take a few weeks to slowly increase your freedom of movement to the level you had before you got trapped in your prison wall of back pain.

If you use the exercise for back pain relief routine together with the 5 tips I have already given you, you will directly attack the pain and and repair the damage your muscles and tendons have endured over the years, and, what's just as important, strengthen your back as a prevention from future injury. Just imagine the pleasures of life you will be able to enjoy after you get rid of back pain!

No more climbing your legs with your hands to stand up straight!
Get the most out family outings; especially not holding everyone up when out walking because you have to take frequent rest stops (as I used to do).

Driving becomes a pleasure when you can turn your head to reverse without that screeching pain skidding up your spine

Playing with children; no more sudden pains like shafts of lightning that stop family enjoyment
SMILE AGAIN!! Do you remember that feeling of well-being you used to have? I never knew just how much the constant pain drained me - now I feel alive!
Sex! Yes no more excuses in bed - imagine what it would be like to be as vigorous between the sheets as you used to be!

There's a whole realm of reasons why you owe it to yourself to start the exercise for back pain relief routines to get rid of back pain and start enjoying life all over again!

Many many people are finding out for themselves how exercise for back pain relief is easy to do and in easy reach when they start on these amazingly easy, gentle exercise routines that help alleviate - or even avoid - the pain created by back strain.

Back Strengthening Exercises For Back Bain

Back Strengthening Exercises For Back Pain
Back Strengthening Exercises For Back Pain
Back Strengthening Exercises For Back Pain
People who stay active and continue to exercise usually recover from back pain more quickly. Research has shown that one of the most effective ways of managing back pain is to keep up with day to day activities and exercise where possible. This can be done alongside medical and other back pain treatments.

Exercise that combines endurance, strength and flexibility are very good; for example running/jogging, cycling, dancing, swimming, hydrotherapy, aerobics.

Back pain can also be prevented by strengthening and toning your abdominal muscles. This will provide support for you back. Talk to your health care professional before undertaking any exercise and be sure to stop if you experience any pain.

Here are some basic exercises that you can do in the comfort of you own home. Repeat each exercise 10 times and try to do them daily.

Lower back stretch
The stretch may relieve aching joints and muscles in the lower back. Lie on you back with your feet on the floor and knees bent. Lift your knees towards your body. With you hands gently pull your knees in towards your chest. Hold for seven seconds and breathe deeply. Keeping your knees bent lower your legs slowly to the floor.

Knee Curls
Start off on your hands and knees with you knees slightly apart. Tuck your chin in towards your chest. Gently raise one knee and draw it under your body towards the opposite elbow. Hold for about 2 seconds and then release. Repeat with the other knee lifting it toward the other elbow.

Hump and Sag
The movement in this exercise should increase suppleness of the joints and muscles of the back. Support yourself on your hands and knees on the floor with your knees slightly apart. Tuck your chin into your chest, pull in your stomach and round your back. Hold for about five seconds. Look up and allow your back to sag, gently puhing out your stomach. Hold for another 5 seconds.

Pelvic Tilt
This exercise helps to stretch the ligaments and muscles in your lower back. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Press the small of your back into the floor. Tighten your buttocks and stomach muscles so that your buttocks raise slightly off the floor and your pelvis tilts upwards. Hold for about 6 seconds and then relax. Once you have learned this exercise you can do it standing at any time.

Thanks for reading my article Back Strengthening Exercises For Back Pain

Why Do I Have Lower Back Pain on My Right Side

Why Do I Have Lower Back Pain on My Right Side

Why Do I Have Lower Back Pain on My Right Side
Why Do I Have Lower Back Pain on My Right Side
Backache is surely a hassle and a hurdle to an active adult’s life. This will hamper your schedules, give you a great discomfort and will get in the way for you to achieve your life goals. Mild backaches can bring a simple discomfort but when this condition worsens, it can completely prevent you from moving even at the least motion. Additionally, if one suffers from lower right backache, that person typically feels pain during long hours of sitting or when bending.

The Causes
Our lower back carries the upper body’s entire weight, thus making it prone to strains especially among overweight individuals. Lower right backache is among most common types of backache usually caused by stressed nerves or muscles around the region. Stress is brought about by certain activities like lifting heavy objects, improper sitting or lying position. Another cause of lower right backache is injury, which typically happens during exercise or when you accidentally bumped your back on a hard thing. Lower right backache can also be an indication of a kidney stone or infection, an implication of weak bones or osteoporosis, and even herniated discs. Thus, it is best to consult your physician should your backache seems to persist even after simple treatments. Also, women and girls tend to experience lower right backache a lot which may be due to fondness of wearing high heels.

Lower Right Backache and Pregnancy
When a woman is pregnant, the uterus expands to give room to the fetus, bringing extra stress on the lower back bones and muscles. Hormonal changes also add up to the ligament and bone composition especially around the pelvis and spine, bringing further volatility to the lower back. If you are experiencing this, it is advised for you to read more about pregnancy, or best talk to your doctor.

Lower Right Backache Remedies
Treating lower right backache at its early stage is necessary, as pain can worsen and condition can lead to chronic stage when neglected. Among the lower right backache treatments are medical methods and exercises. The first thing to do really is to know the main culprit of your backache. And if it is brought about by stress, then exercise is the primary solution.

Among the activities you can engage when you suffer from lower right backache are swimming, cycling, walking, aerobics or simply getting hooked to your exercise machine for a couple of minutes daily can help stretch the lower back muscles. Yoga also work wonders in relieving backaches, equally as certain exercises such as supine hamstring stretch, pelvic tilt camel stretch, and cat stretch.

Furthermore, there are also home treatments for lower right backache, which can be a great remedy for simple pains. Make sure to do this alongside with exercises and a well-planned diet rich in calcium to get your bones on top condition. One remedy is to apply cold compress and anointing pain liniments can ease the pain. Others include hot baths and massages.

Should your back pain keeps on coming back, it is best to talk to your doctor and get examined. Lower right backache can be a serious health condition if left untreated. But it is still best to practice small things to prevent it like proper posture when sitting, lying and standing, and more importantly, living a healthy lifestyle which includes eating well and exercising

THANKS for reading my article Why Do I Have Lower Back Pain on My Right Side

Axis Scientific Muscle Replica Models with doctor jo

Axis Scientific Muscle Replica Models with doctor jo
Axis Scientific Muscle Replica Models with doctor jo
Axis Scientific Muscle Replica Models with doctor jo

Hey everybody it's me cute Doctor Mrs. Jo, how are you and I've got my friend with me today. The folks at Axis Scientific sent me their half-size muscular model, and we're going to do some anatomy. So let's get started. So before we talk shop, my friend here doesn't have a name, so I want to have a contest. I want you to pick a name for him or her or gender neutral, so leave some fun names PG-rated please. Leave them in the comment section, and once we have them all in, we'll pick our favorite one and give you a shout out the next time we do a video.

The cool part about this model is one, they give you a nice booklet that has the numbers on here, so you know what the muscles are. It shows you the pieces in there and it identifies each thing, and you can go through all those and the muscles and stuff like that, so that's a really cool, nice reference. So it's neat because if you're studying, you don't have the names on the muscles, you can pick stuff out, write it down, like a test, and then go back and look. I really like that part. The other cool part I like about this model is this arm, this leg, the chest, the booty back here, these pieces come off so that you can go down into deeper levels of the muscles.

So it's not just looking at the stuff on the outside, you can take the pieces off, and so what is so cool about that is, it's not just a one layered model. There's a whole bunch of stuff that you can look at, and I just think that's so cool. So let me show you here. Take a little chest plate off, and you can see his innards. Oh I said "his" so don't let me um sway you either way for its name right now. But as you can see, it's really cool and then you can take these pieces out too and go all the way through.

You can take the muscle layers off here, you can take the muscle layers off there. I don't want to go into a whole bunch of detail with this one, but what I do want to show you "butt" I said butt, I'm leading into is this big gluteus Maximus muscle here comes off, and then you can see here where all the muscles are. And that yellow line is that sciatic nerve, and so that sciatic nerve is one that gives you all that pain in the butt. And so if you have a tight pisiforms muscle right here, you can see that nerve goes underneath that muscle.

Axis Scientific Muscle Replica Models

So if the pain is not coming from the back itself, it could be coming because that muscle is really tight and so then it pushes on that sciatic nerve, especially when you're sitting for a long time. So then that pain comes down where that nerve goes and gives that numbness and tingling. And you can see that the nerve goes all the way down. If you take off the hamstring muscles here, you can see it goes all the way down to the knee, and then if you take off the gastroc those calf muscles, you can also see that it goes all the way down into the leg.

So when that nerve is getting pressed by that small little muscle, you can have pain go all the way down there, that pain or numbness tingling feeling like the foots falling asleep. So that kind of gives you a little bit of a better idea why sometimes that you feel like all the way up and down here, but it's really coming from this small little muscle being pressed onto that nerve underneath it. All right so there you have it, if you have any questions leave it in the comment section. If you have an awesome name for our model, leave that in the comments section, too.

If you're interested in finding out more about the model or a whole bunch of more awesome models go to or  And remember, be safe, have fun, and I hope you feel better soon!

Thanks for reading my article Axis Scientific Muscle Replica Models with doctor jo

Clinical Practice Guidelines Low Back Pain Physical Therapy

Clinical Practice Guidelines Low Back Pain Physical Therapy

If you have low back pain, you are not alone. Most people in their lifetime experience one or more episodes of low back pain.  In most cases, the pain goes away within days to weeks; however, it can last for three months or more. These extended episodes are defined as chronic low back pain. The common treatment approaches for low back pain include exercises, relaxation techniques and medications.

To understand how these treatments work, let’s first look at the structure of your lower back. The spinal column is made up of twenty-four vertebrae. Back problems and back pain commonly occur in the lumbar region. Each vertebra has an opening that forms the spinal canal and protects the spinal nerves. Facet joints and inter vertebral discs connect the vertebrae above and below. These structures are held together by groups of ligaments and muscles.

Muscles attached to the spinal column allow us to move, and they also support the spine bearing the body's weight. If some of these muscles are tight, weak or imbalanced, pressure can result in excessive wear and tear of other structures. For example, a common problem in the lower back is disc herniation. In this case, pressure on an intervertebral disc has caused its center, the nucleus pulpous, to protrude backwards and push against the spinal nerves, resulting in low back pain.

Clinical Practice Guidelines Low Back Pain Physical Therapy

For some patients, this pain can also be felt in nearby areas where the spinal nerves from the lower back also extend, such as the leg and foot on the affected side. Exercise can relax muscles and reduce pressure in the lower back structures.  It is important to consult your health team to determine which exercises are best for your condition. Consider one common low back pain exercise program called the McKenzie Method.

For patients with posterior disc herniation, lying in a prone position reduces the pressure on the disc.  If the pain condition allows, performing extension movements can gently stretch and relax tight muscles. Your lower spine also becomes more arched, with time, bringing the disc center forward into the correct position and reducing the irritation on your nerves, therefore decreasing the pain in your lower back and legs.

The benefit of exercising is more than just reducing the pressure on your lower back structures. By integrating back exercise into your daily routine, you can condition your abdominal and back muscles, referred to as core muscles, and therefore prevent low back pain from happening again. For some patients, relaxation techniques such as meditating in a relaxed position, as well as cognitive behavioral therapy, can ease back pain.

This is because our brain not only perceives pain but also regulates pain signals. When back structures are damaged, pain signals ascend from the lower back through the spinal cord arrive in the brain region that perceives pain, the sensory cortex. However, this is not a direct route; at least two connections have to be made.  It’s at these relay stations, which include the spinal cord and the thalamus, that pain signals can be regulated by the brain.

Let’s take a closer look at the first relay station located in the dorsal horn of the lumbar spinal cord. Here, the incoming pain signals are passed from a sensory neuron in the lower back to a relay neuron in the spinal cord. The pain signals then ascend up to the brain. This pain impulse can be reduced by a specific type of neuron carrying signals back from the brain. As a result, fewer pain signals are sent to the brain, so we feel less pain.

However, if for instance you are stressed, these brain signals can increase the pain signals. Therefore, studies show that patients with depression or anxiety experience more pain, while patients who have positive attitudes and are engaged in their treatments feel less pain. Your health professional may also suggest that you take pain-relieving medications that fit with your existing medication regimen. The effects vary greatly depending on what type of medication is prescribed.

Some medications help relax muscles and some act on neurons in the relay stations to reduce the pain signals. It is important to follow the advice of your health team and do exercises, learn relaxation techniques and perhaps take medications. The benefits might not be felt right away; it takes time and your active participation. By taking an active and informed role in your own health. You are guaranteed to better control your pain and lead a healthier life!, 

THANKS for reading this article Clinical Practice Guidelines Low Back Pain Physical Therapy

Back Pain Relief Exercises & Stretches - Ask Doctor Jo

Back Pain Relief Exercises & Stretches
Back Pain Relief Exercises & Stretches 
Back Pain Relief Exercises & Stretches

Hey guys it's me your Doctor Jo, and today
I'm going to show you some stretches and exercises to relieve back pain. Let's get started. So these stretches and exercises are just for general back pain. If you've got some soreness in your back or it's aching a Little bit, maybe you pulled a muscle, but not a specific diagnosis. 

This is just the common aches and pains that you might have. So let's start off on your back. Prop up your knees and you're going to start off with a pelvic tilt. So a Pelvic tilt is just kind of how it sounds, you're taking your pelvis and tilting it back or rotating it back. So you're flattening out your back. Imagine that your hands are in that curve, or you can actually put them there, and then you're pushing down into your hands trying to push them into the floor. So it's just that rotation or that tilt of your pelvis.

So when you tilt back, you're going to hold it about three to five seconds and then relax. To start off with, doing about 10 of those or just holding it keeping those muscles those core muscles nice and tight and relaxing. After you do those, then you're going to go into a bridge, just too really get that back loosened up, and get those tight muscles Out of there. So with the bridge, you're just going to lift your hips up until about a straight line and then slowly come back down one segment at a time.
So you're not just popping back down, you're going nice and controlled. 

So slow controlled movement, again just start off with about 10 of these and then you can work your way up to more. But this is really just get everything loosened up, getting that tightness and soreness out of there, just helping the healing process to relieve the pain. Now you're going to do a knee to chest stretch. So just take one knee, I like going underneath because if you happen to have any problems going on top that's a lot of pressure on there, so just grab underneath and pull your knee up towards your chest as far as you comfortably can and hold that for about 30 seconds. So you're pulling it, you're not actually actively moving it up, so just hold that stretch 30 seconds then come back down.

Alternate the other side, hold that for 30 seconds as well, and then you're going to do three on each side total. After you do those, then you're going to do a double knee to chest. So now you're just taking both and pulling up at the same time. Again some people like to go up on top kind of grab around like this, if you have any problems you might not want to do that, and you might just want to grab underneath, so whichever way is more comfortable, but again holding that for 30 seconds and doing three of those, nice and relaxed, feel that stretch. A lot of times you should feel that stretch kind of underneath that low back area right there. 

Back Pain Relief Exercises & Stretches
Back Pain Relief Exercises & Stretches 
After you do three of those, now you're going to a trunk rotation. Again just too kind of loosen that spine a little bit and help everything relax and get that soreness out of there. So just both legs together trying to keep the top part of your body on the ground, and just rotate over as far as you comfortably can, hold that for about three to five seconds, and then rotate back the other way. So again to comfort not to pain, and then do five on each side just kind of rotating back and forth.

After you get those done, then you're going to turn over and kind of get back on your feet here, or however far back you comfortably can, and then you're going to put your arms out in front of you going into a prayer stretch as far as you comfortably can, and then bring your head down and just trying to stretch everything as far forward as you can, and again holding that stretch for about 30 seconds, feeling a nice stretch in that back, coming up, and then stretching all the way back down. And then the last stretch exercise you're going to do is kind of a yoga vinyasa move. So you're going to come into the plank position here. 

You're going to go down and then come up into your upward dog, hold that stretch for about three to five seconds, and then push back up pushing your heels down coming into the downward dog, and then holding that for about three to five seconds. You can go through that same motion about three to five times. So there you have it, those are stretches and exercises to help relieve just general back pain. No specific diagnosis. 

Just if you have a tweaking in your back, or you picked up your dog trying to put it in the bathtub to wash them, and you got some soreness back there, hopefully that'll help relieve everything. Thanks for reading my article Back Pain Relief Exercises & Stretches. need more videos and articles visit this